It would still have to be sealed off from all other compartments and vented at the bottom they would not be able to put it in the same compartment as the batteries or anything electrical.
I checked the Onan web site. they said it will run one 1350a/c with power to spareor two 1100 btu's a/c's. I sent an e-mail to the factory to confirm. if this is the case. I inquired as to a 6.5 LP up grade. the 7000 say's gas only.
we have been putting 5.5 onans in rigs with 2 airs ( 13.5 and 15ks combined ) for years and run both airs as well as the fridge and waterheater with no troubles. it should be fine in the Redwood you might have to shut down a air conditoner if you want to run the microwave but you would have to do that with a 6.5 as well so why spend the extra money for the 6.5.
I also need a new generator but I am not sure which one I should choose. I decided to try different models and then decide which one is the best for me. I will try generator rentals in order to find out which one is the best for me. So hopefully I will soon find the best model for my requirements.
I didnt order factory genset, use a Yamaha inverter generator mounted in genbox in bed of truck. Do you find much noise and vibration when running factory Onan genset? I really like my Yamaha inverter generator, very quiet too.