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Old 04-27-2013, 08:59 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 148

To everyone,

I've been on this forum for a short time. There as been some very entertaining discussions whether one is having no problems or few problems with their coach. And, howthose minor issuesare beingaddressed or taken care of.
On the other hand there are people that have purchased or not purchasedand feel that the problems areless than acceptable.
Everyone must remember that a forum is not just about all feel goooood news. It's also, about the issues that have made people less then happy that they had made the purchase. Also, a forum is a forum to air your delight or disenchanted opinion of the coach.

Just kinda curious to what degree will the word Redwood "bashing" mean to the moderator? Also, what will constitutea "Redwood bashing".

Forums, as a general rule of thumb do not want to touch on Politics, Religion, or personal "bashing".

Apparently, there are a few people that have either just recently taken delivery of, have just purchased, or are Redwood owners that do not want to here negative conotations of something that they are purchasing or purchased. That's human nature, folks.

People read forums to gain information and RV experiences, good or bad. If someone doesn't like what someone is saying about the brand of coach that they're purchasing or have purchased then don't read that reply. Plain and simple.

I believe that if the moderator goes beyondediting thebig three; Politics, Religion, and personal bashing then he has overstepped his obligation as a moderator.

Please remember that people look to these forums for allinformation, good or bad. Also, everyone has different experiences with their coach, good or bad.

Dave from Maine

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Old 04-28-2013, 01:36 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 71
Hi, Dave,

My apologies...but I am not understanding the post, but am interested in the topic.

Do you mean that some members would rather not see negative comments about the trailers that they have purchased?

Or, do you mean to ask if the Forum Moderators will edit or delete posts that reflect badly on Redwood products?

Curious in Dallas
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Old 04-28-2013, 05:07 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Mr_Toad
Hi, Dave,

My apologies...but I am not understanding the post, but am interested in the topic.

Do you mean that some members would rather not see negative comments about the trailers that they have purchased?

Or, do you mean to ask if the Forum Moderators will edit or delete posts that reflect badly on Redwood products?

Curious in Dallas

Yes, to both.

This new thread stems from the thread, "What has your Dealer Fixed on your REDWOOD".
Thatthread started as it should and then turned into people getting upset from the "Redwood bashing".
Towards the end of this ,"Bruce" a moderator, has now chimed in and given a statement that he will start monitoring the posts and deletethe Redwood "bashers".

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Old 04-28-2013, 01:17 PM   #4
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A moderator deleting posts is a concern. Any
censorship is a concern, or should be. I am currently not a Redwood
owner, we are still shopping.

Still, I use this Forum and others like it ( to research everything from
trouble areas, vehicle set up, and of course specific brands and customer
satisfaction. I don't expect every vehicle to be without fault or
failure, but I do hope and expect for a manufacturer to stand behind their
product, especially when new. My initial exposure to the Redwood Brand,
through this forum, led me to believe it was a quality product with a
manufacturer that was eager to maintain the name and ensure customers were
satisfied with their product.

Brand bashing is nothing new, you expect to see it on general interest forums
(like and occasionally on brand specific forums due to
"trolls" ( see </span>) or unhappy customers. While I would
expect a moderator to arbitrate some of these threads and posts, occasionally
editing ignorant, spiteful and inappropriate comments, I presume this
individual or group would maintain ethical practices in the execution of their

It seems that this Forum is moderated by a person of
choosing by the manufacturer since the manufacturer does seem to be hosting the
forum. </span>This said, I would hate to think
that the Thor or Redwood would condone or encourage censorship of owner
complaints. </span>The goal of any manufacturer
is to sell units, and this forum provides a valuable resource in the areas of advertising
&amp; marketing, market research and reliability metrics. </span>A logical person would conclude that
resolution of consumer complaints and concerns would provide more value in
these key areas than suppression. </span>As a
potential customer, how a manufacturer deals with defects is as important as
the defects themselves. </span>I would rather
read of owner problems leading to resolution rather than finding a suspicious
absence of reports or learn of deleted reports.

Just the point of view of a potential customer.


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Old 04-28-2013, 06:13 PM   #5
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I totally agree the forum should only be moderated, as someone put it, forreligious, personel or ethnicbashing, may as well throw political in there to. To put itsimply, anything other than what isconnectedwith/to RVing

Again I would like for the moderater to simply state what is being done by themanufacturerto rectify thatpersonsconcernsor state that this person has no validconcern!!!

When we live in a country(s) that upholds freedom of speech we need to be able to put on our big boy/girl pants/panties on andvalidatefor our selves what is true or what is actually going on!

This is why Fox news is stillallowedtobroadcast

Just my 3 cents


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Old 04-28-2013, 08:27 PM   #6
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Great perspective. I wondered why Fox is allowed to broadcast. There's a nickel's worth
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Old 04-29-2013, 10:23 AM   #7
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A moderator would also have the ability to keep posts on topic or in the proper thread. That is if and when Redwood gets around to expanding the list or topics. A moderator would also be able to police spam.
They could also decide whether the comment on Fox news would be allowed as it could be seen as not only a "bashng" of Fox news but also those that watch Fox news. This could prompt a hostile debate that has no business in a forum dedicated to RVing.
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Old 04-29-2013, 10:48 AM   #8
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Attaboy STEVE
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Old 04-29-2013, 11:21 AM   #9
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I sure am glad I'm not a people pleaser, who the Lord sets free is free indeed. I'm not offended by anything they write on here, different interest bring people together in camping, cooking, drinking, fishing , hiking and yes worship.
2012 Ford F450 Lariat FX4 dually, 2013 Redwood 36FB Red and Black Painted
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Old 04-29-2013, 11:47 AM   #10
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Old 04-29-2013, 03:29 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by lillyputz
Dave, I agree. redwood owners or those looking to buy a redwood should go on a owners forum to find out all the info they can, good or bad. what good is a one sided forum.

Well look at the pot calling the kettle black! I've asked you numerous times what issues you have had, what Dealer, and what is being done back when I was shopping. All I get is the silent treatment.

Every forum - when Redwood is mentioned, it's quickly followed by a critical quip by Lillyputz with no explanation - about as much of a contribution to lookers as "LEMON" after the name.

If you're silent because of litigation, then stay silent! Otherwise your pouting is harming the value of my investment. If you have something constructive to say - spit it out.

Brad & Dory - Lone Tree, CO
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Old 04-29-2013, 03:37 PM   #12
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Yeah Brad
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Old 04-29-2013, 03:57 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Buddy
I sure am glad I'm not a people pleaser, who the Lord sets free is free indeed. I'm not offended by anything they write on here, different interest bring people together in camping, cooking, drinking, fishing , hiking and yes worship.
How far do you want to keep pushing this religous thing before it gets totally banned?
Brad & Dory - Lone Tree, CO
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Old 04-29-2013, 04:52 PM   #14
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Alright guys and gals, enough is enough. Unless you have something substantial to discuss, let's leave the quiviling on the table. Please no more bickering. I think almost everyone wants this forum to be constructive, not demeaning.

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Old 04-29-2013, 05:34 PM   #15
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I believe that the betterment of product is the main purpose of this forum! Other venws have no recourse. I have issues with my RL and have worked through most. But we have to realize that going into year three of production we have seen changes that only benefit US!
Jay and Linda
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Old 04-29-2013, 05:54 PM   #16
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My dealer said to not bring it in every time one little thing goes wrong, with anything new you have to get the bugs out. When I took it in at three months and he took care of the list. I only have one thing on the new list and it is minor and can wait. I'm very happy with my dealer.
2012 Ford F450 Lariat FX4 dually, 2013 Redwood 36FB Red and Black Painted
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Old 04-29-2013, 07:09 PM   #17
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Well said!
Randy & Dawn
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Old 04-29-2013, 08:48 PM   #18
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I'm with you Brad. There is nothing wrong with having an opinion, both good and bad. This is how we all learn. For the most part, I have gain a wealth of knowledge from those on the forum that have been willing to share their experiences. The problems is that there are a few that can't seem to get past their bad experiences and just keep racking them over the coals. To some degree, I understand. It seems like a few have had some serious proplems. I did say seems. There are 2 sides to every story and I am not sure I even understand the one side that is on the forum. And after this long, I am not sure I even want to. It's like beating a dead horse. Time to move on.
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Old 04-29-2013, 08:57 PM   #19
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I started this "MODERATOR-EDITING?" thread to bring awareness. As with all good threads, they start getting off track. This is now an example of that.

Bruce-the-moderator has done an extremely good job defending spam.

Bruce will be keeping a watchful ear on justifiable abuse.

Dave from Maine
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Old 04-29-2013, 09:25 PM   #20
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This has gone off track far enough. Closed.
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